Saturday, June 21, 2008

Me no likey conventional interventions

PSY 206 assignment. Pooh~!
I don't think it's the assignment.
Me thinks it's the mood. Pooh~!
I happen to like Winnie the Pooh a lot. Sue me. *bleah*
But I don't wanna do conventional interventions sien
Terence! Dowan do can arh? rofl!

This is one of those posts without piccies.
Don't like then don't read.

Owh owh.
I'm surrounded by egoistical-full-of-themselves-yet-very-lame guys.
One example was Xiang and his hot-girls-hands idea and today, I've met one that can rival him.

Let's see.
It goes like this...
This morning I had 4 hours of PSY 207 replacement class.
And had to rush my 207 assignment the day before. Don't remind me about it. Was so annoyed by my carelessness.
Then while I was sitting down enjoying my July issue of Cleo magazine, guess what?
Mr.Lam KM comes strutting in like the girl he is ROFL! and said

"I feel like Brad Pitt la"

*eVie terpegun-jaw-drop-o.O*

"Sometimes my hair messy....sometimes neat..."
*eVie starts praying..dies of lameness!*
Can you imagine out of the blues some dude who does not resemble Brad Pitt in any way possible tells you he feels like Brad Pitt?
I don't know if I should laugh at the lamest joke ever or cry cause it is the lamest joke ever.
I chose the former...feeling ABSOLUTELY AMUSED!

We had McDs after that.
Courtesy of Himbos.
Thankew thankew. Can I have a Banana Toffee Sundae pweeasseee?!?

Btw, does eating too much McDs lead to lack of mood for assignment?
Cause I felt that after I came home but I could not even sleep...stress sial~

I dowana do work!!


I have a feeling I'm going to be OCD after this.


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