Wednesday, February 7, 2007

After ages of not reading my bro's blog....

And after tons of boredom....

I visited his blog and realise...i got TAGGED~

Owh well....due to extreme boredom...i shall bow down to THE TAG

6 weird things about me:

1) I think alot....i mean AAAALLLLOOOTTTTT just before i sleep.....and i realise recently that i am at my most creative just before i sleep~

2) I can get "high" without alcohol or drugs or things of that sort~

3) I love using "........" and "~" in my sentences~ <-- see?

4) I am a realist but a hopeless romantic at the same time~

5) I am a person with lots of "buts" in life~

6) I emo at the weirdest times~

7) I

Wait....i only need 6....although i'm far weirder than "6 weird things" but lets not get too carried weirdness is only for those super-duper-uber close to me to find out....wait..i think that means me, myself and I....HEE~!

My boredom is still not cured...but owh well~


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