Tuesday, November 27, 2007

So not going to procrastinate next sem! JEEZ~


I'm not procrastinating.

So not.

I have my MC100 textbook in front of me lar owhkay.

Which means I'm not procrastinating.


No. I'm not procrastinating.


I am so living in denial-land *rolls eyes*

Can't help it.
I got so many awesome quotes to share with you people!
And some friend of mine complained I never update my blog when he himself privatize his darn blog because he couldn't get his emo picture to look fine.


Quotes, Quotes, Quotes!

Do you people know Freud's theory?
If you don't. You so have to.
Not that it is interesting unless you are some horny, pervert-ish, I-have-no-better-way-of -interpreting-my-dreams person.
But yea.
The dude who talks about our unconscious, suppressed/repressed unsolved issues.
Dream of coconut tree. Penis. Dream of house. Vagina. Dream of pencil. Penis. Dream of pot. Vagina. -_-''
You cannot not know him.
People who don't take Psychology are very aware of Mr.Freud here owhkay.
His full name is Sigmund Freud btw. SAMMUND Freud! *rofl* - inside joke
And he has this super chun theory on our Id (who wants pleasure all the time), Superego (the on who says "No. Wrong! Cannot! Don't! Stop!") and Ego (which mediates the other 2 and makes the best choice).

Don't understand?
This short quote should help you understand that concept better.

"Remember Freud's Superego-Id-Ego theory?
So, the Id wants to have sex with a chicken,
But the Superego says 'no!' because it is socially unacceptable.
How does Ego solve the problem?

Have sex in a chicken suit!"
- Ms. W, PSY 103 Aug 2007 class-

Zomgwtf. -_-''

And I have a very interestingly-boring lecturer who said this:

You know?
I like Dora the Explorer.
*whole class stone*
She speaks Spanish.
Uno Nachos Astalavista Baybeh."
-Mr. J PSY 106 Aug 2007 Class -

'Dora the Explorer' is a kiddo cartoon series.
And yes. She speaks Spanish.
But obviously not like what I mentioned. And obviously he did speak correct Spanish.
I just can't remember.

You want to know how boyfriends can lie so well?

"*talking bout another girl while sitting next to gf*
*GF gives the look*
You know arh...when I like M for so long....I could never imagine how she looks like without seeing her.
But my baby different. Always can see her in my mind"
- Someone. in MC100 tutorial class. -

Never underestimate a guy's awesome topic changing skills.

Last but not least, my 2383846386346389 silly quote:

"Eh, got 6 guys going right?
*starts doing some weird mental calculation*
*very excitedly says* That means you will either sit next to a guy or a girl!!"
- Someone. Food Foundry 2007 on a rainy day -

No. Apparently I am going to end up sitting beside a mouse. -_-'' -_-'' -_-''

I can tell you I got more quotes than that. I have the weirdest friends and lecturers EVER!
But I cannot remember.
And I so should get back to work.



Someone save me before my Birthday comes.

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