Thursday, May 3, 2007

I shall name today,

"Evie Sangat Sedih Day"


Reasons being:

1. I have to take Malaysian Studies from June to September...which means I have won't have a 1 and 1/2 month holidays unlike all my friends...and its 3.30-6.30 pm every Friday...when my only class that day is from 8am till 12 pm...............................WTH??!?!?
I am so pissed that we have to take the bloody useless LAN!!!

2. My timetable is sucky...although I have only 2 subjects this semester...I have to attend one class only everyday....waste of time!!! I rather fit all the subjects to 4 days a week and have a day off!

3. My car's aircond compressor rosak which means there won't be have to send to the mechanic...and I can't drive tomorrow.....sobs!!!!

4. I typed the same email to Stef 3 times!!...THREE TIMES!!!!...ISH~!~!~!~!~!~!~!


Not my day...

So not my day!!!

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