Tuesday, April 17, 2007

My leg sakit~~~~~~~~


Because Evie went to the gym today......more like the dance classes lar..
Yeap...Evie joined Celebrity Fitness.......
Have no idea whether i can commit or not....but I like...erm...HAVE TO since the price isn't all that cheap....

Went for 2 dance classes.....and end up with a tired body and leg pain...
Eh...i never faint good enough ddi kie?
This gurl is a bed potato who doesn't move around unless she is forced to....
Money is know the motivation.....dowana let money go to waste.....you know?
I'm having a personal training session tomorrow....pray i get a cute guy trainer kie????

I heard something that totally freaked me out today at the gym!
It was between 2 elderly guys (40-50 years old)...and goes like this:
Guy A: *knocks into Guy B*
Guy B: *smiles*............Baby....don't like that lar..anything happen how?
Guy A: *smiles back*
I almost fainted hearing that kie????????

That's not the real point....
The real point is i drove around today...by MYSELF!
Somehow feels easier then when my mum sits beside me...maybe she makes me feel subconsciously pressured.......hrm~
I realise I like to drive with one hand...NOT GOOD! Especially on straight roads....i only use my right hand...left hand i don't put on the steering wheel...but everytime mum sure nag wan...
Not only that...I realise that it really isn't advisable for Evie to drive when she's unhappy/depressed/emo-ing...
Damn dangerous.........I so cannot concentrate...either that or I drive too fast...
*shakes head*

I'm going to get busy soon........
But owh well................its good to be busy kan??

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