Wednesday, March 21, 2007

A is for age


B is for booze of choice

Erm...erm...i'm not really an alcohol person....good gurl~

C is for career


D is for your most dreaded

Seeing people leave me~

E is for essential item

Handphone...and purse...and mascara....and lipgloss...and...tissue! I'm sorry lar..item isn't enough~

F is for favorite song at the moment

Erm...hrm.....lemme think..."Say You Love Me- Jason ft. Lara"

G is for favorite games

I don't exactly play of love maybe? HEE!

H is for Hometown.

Ayer Tawar, Perak~

I is for indulgence

Anything chocolate - Starbucks Signature Hot Chocolate, Oreo McFlurry, Chocolate Cake~

J is for favorite flavor of juice

I like most flavours lar~

K is for kids

I love kids!!! At least i hope i do....hee~

L is for last hug from husband

If i ever get a husband, i'll make sure i tell you kie?

M is for years of marriage

I'm too young to be married...dont cha think?

N is for name of your crush


O is for overnight hospital

Nope....never..very fortunate~

P is for phobias

LIZARDS! Bloody hell~

Q is for quote

I've got too many~

R is for biggest regret

Hurting someone because of my irrational actions~

S is for status

I'm currently "AWAY" on MSN...HEE!

T is for time you wake up

Its not a set time. Yeap, i'm not disciplined~

U is for underwear

Underwear what? We all have it don't we?

V is for vegetable you love

BROCOLLI! And some more lar~

W is for worst habits

Sweating badly when i'm super nervous...or my fingernails against any surface when i'm bored/nervous

X is for x-rays you've had


Y is for yummy food you make

Salad? Yummy or not i don't know lar~

Z is for zodiac sign


I am so bored.......and so feeling not-very-right...

And i thought doing crappy tags will help....

yea right~


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